Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Spinning bins and blowing up balloons!

Yesterday all of the ty's went to the Institute of Technology Tallaght for Science week.We had a talk on Chemistry which was very interesting and fun! We left school at 10:40 and arrived a bit too early so we got a talk in one of the labs from one of the lecturers about bacteria which was very informative .At 12:15 we had our talk along with one other school .The talk was very interesting with experiments for every fact.For most experiments he chose someone from the audience to help him which gave us all a laugh as we watched a boy try to blow a ball into an empty bottle which was impossible hehe ! We also saw a bin spinning  around a lit small fire which was quite weird .. The talk ended with a huge bang (literally) as he had a balloon which we all believed to be full of helium but was actually full of hydrogen and he lit it on fire and it had a huge bang and a gust of hot air which nearly gave me a heart attack ..He was trying to teach us that we shouldn't always believe a balloon is full of helium as it is a mystery gas so it may not always be !


Last Thursday half of the TY year had a double P.E class of ZUMBA .It was so much fun and a great laugh was had by everyone ! We are doing Zumba for the next 6 weeks with a woman called Grainne :) Its tiring but supposedly very good at burning calories and keeping Fit :D I had never done Zumba before but i was really excited for it and it really lived up to my expectations :D

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Mini company Blossoms

For Mini company my group decided to do Candy Trees and call our business 'Candy Blossom'.Eimear Plunkett , Amy Byrne, Lauren Beale,Lauren Mc Donald,Aoife byrne and Niamh O'Halloran are in my group!We have finally got all the products to make the trees themselves which caused alot of stress and anger in the group at the start but its all Grand now :D We are selling them in the Science corridor every Tuesday at Lunch time and we hope they will be successful . We are giving people the choice of what sweets they want from bonbons to Maltesers ! Theyre a really good price and are well worth it ! Heres a few pictures of candy trees :D